LB286 Legislation: What You Need to Know
Overview of LB286 and Protections for LifeBridge Participants
Nebraska State Statute Legislation

Articles and Resources
The Physicians Foundation: 2023 Survey of America’s Current and Future Physicians (released September 2023)
Vital Signs LifeBridge Nebraska Success Story: Supporting Physicians Through Peer Coaching
Suicide Prevention: Evidence Informed Interventions for the Healthcare Workforce American Hospital Association
Confidential Care to Support Physician Health and Wellness AMA Advocacy Resource Center
Healthcare Professionals and Mental Health Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Critical Care Burnout: Systemic Changes Needed, Not Just Self Care Tori Rodriguez, Pulmonology Advisor
A boost for doctors’ well-being? Bring back the physician lounge AMA Moving Medicine
“What makes doctors great also drives burnout: A double-edged sword.” Tait Shanafelt, MD
National Academy of Medicine: Clinician Well-Being COVID-19 Resource Page
Wellness Tools
Are YOU in balance? Take this quiz from the Canadian Mental Health Association. LifeBridge Nebraska coaches can help you learn tools to gain better balance in your life.
Meditation Resources
3-Minute Guided Meditation: Relieving Stress
8-Minute Guided Meditation: Simple Relaxation
9-Minute Guided Meditation: Sympathetic Breathing Meditation
Calm (currently offering free resources) Soothing meditations, Sleep meditations, Sleep Stories, Calm Music, Calm Body, Calm Masterclass, Calm Kids, Mindfulness Resources, Practices to find ease
Insight Timer Meditation App (free)
Healthy Minds App (free)
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center provides free guided meditations.

Videos and Webinars
NABHO: Behavioral Health Matters! Podcast
Individual and Systemic Approaches to Wellness in Healthcare: LifeBridge Nebraska presents an educational webinar on top researchers in individual and systemic level interventions for burnout prevention and wellness promotion in the healthcare setting.
Physician burnout: It’s not a resiliency deficit: Presented by Dr. Colin West, MD at Mayo Clinic, physician experts will discuss efforts that health care organization leaders can do to address system issues to reduce burnout and promote physician wellbeing.
Building well-being into culture: The Sanford clinician experience: In this webinar, the co-directors of their clinician experience office, Dr. Heather Spies and Aaste Campbell, will share how Sanford‘s clinicians are supported to help optimize work-life integration across the entire spectrum of their careers.
5 Chairs 5 Choices: We spend about eighty percent of our day at work, the rest is at home. If we have a bad day at work we are likely to take that negativity home with us and vice versa. The 5 Chairs is a powerful and systematic method which helps us master our own behaviors and manage the behaviors of others. To be a good leader is to contribute to the success and happiness of everyone, at work and at home, on a conscious level.
The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance: Shawn Achor says that most modern research focuses on the average, but that “if we focus on the average, we will remain merely average.” He wants to study the positive outliers, and learn how not only to bring people up to the average, but to move the entire average up.
Emotional First Aid: We’ll go to the doctor when we feel physical pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Watch this TED talk where Guy Winch makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies.
Nebraska Medical Association Advocate Quarterly LifeBridge Articles
Volume 24 #2 – System-Level Wellness Strategies in Healthcare: Where to Begin?
Volume 24 #1 – LifeBridge Nebraska Physician Coaches
Volume 24 #1 – EVP Message: Physician Health and Wellness in Nebraska
Volume 23 #4 – Unlocking Personal and Professional Success: The DISC Assessment for Physicians
Volume 23 #3 – A Victory for Physician Wellness: Nebraska Passes LB286 Safe Haven Legislation
Volume 23 #2 – Tools for Wellness: Peer Connection and Coaching
Volume 23 #1 – A National Look at Physician Wellness and Burnout