Bryan Health signs on as LifeBridge Sustainability Partner

LifeBridge Nebraska recognizes Bryan Health, who have made a 5-year commitment supporting the peer-to-peer physician coaching program. Physician wellness is a priority for Bryan as they understand physicians who are well provide the best care possible to their patients, leading to better health outcomes.
“Resiliency and burnout is an ongoing concern and challenge for healthcare organizations.” says Bryan’s chief medical officer Dr. John Trapp, MD. “Bryan Health welcomes our partnership with LifeBridge as an opportunity to enhance the health and wellness of our physician workforce.”
LifeBridge aims to prevent the onset or stop the progression of burnout among our Nebraska physicians. By providing physician coaching services, physicians now have a free and confidential resource to work through stressful issues and build skills to help overcome them in the future.
LifeBridge thanks all of their sustainability partners who make a commitment to physician health and well-being. For more information on the program or becoming a partner, contact LifeBridge program coordinator Lindsey Hanlon at (402-413-2060) or