3/30/2022 National Doctor’s Day

March 30th, 2022 is National Doctors Day!
Since 1933, National Doctors Day provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to show their appreciation for the physicians who care for, treat, and save lives every day.
The past two years have been overwhelming, to say the least. The pandemic has affected each and every person in some way or another. Physicians have been hit extremely hard between increased health protection measures, patient load, extended hours, staff turnover, and still trying to balance their personal lives. Even prior to the pandemic, physicians saw high rates of burnout and higher rates of suicide compared to the general public. Physician burnout affects approximately 47% of physicians, with even higher rates when accounting for subspecialty (Emergency Medicine being the highest).
What are some ways you can thank a doctor?
- Say thank you – whether sending a note or at your next appointment, take a moment to thank them for providing care for your health
- Send a card
- Send flowers or treats (red carnations are the symbolic flowers for Doctors Day)
- Share your gratitude with local media
- Make a donation in their name to a meaningful charity
LifeBridge Nebraska is a statewide physician wellness program. LifeBridge utilizes physician peer coaches that are free, confidential, and available to any physician in the state. Today, and every day, on behalf of LifeBridge we thank each and every one of the physicians in our great state and the care and dedication they put in every day to provide the best care possible for all Nebraskans.
If you are a physician interested in using LifeBridge Nebraska, call the free and confidential line at 1-888-569-2036. To learn more about the program, visit www.lifebridgenebraska.org or contact LifeBridge Nebraska Program Coordinator Lindsey Hanlon at 402-413-2060.